Monday 18 October 2010

NANO 18th October 2010.

Interesting the responses I’ve had over my approach to NANO this year. In the past, events have conspired to ensure I don’t have time to write during November. Not this year though, I’ve finally decided to give away my official virginity and do NANO.

So there you have it. LOL.

Of course, me being me, I’m not going into this half-heartedly, I’ve decided to double my chances of success (or is that half them – ed) and enter twice, one under each of two pen names. Both projects are buzzing in my head and my fingers are itching to start typing now, but I’m no cheat so I won’t. The plots are fully formed in my head and I’ve got a few plot notes/chapter headings crunched out but that’s as far as it’s got.

Glutton for punishment, masochist, and big head are just some of the comments from my friends, but in truth it’s none of these. If I could go without sleep for the month, I’ve actually got something like four and a half complete plots dangling in there – I’ve had to make a choice between two of them in my own name – and in the end dropped the more demanding one. (It’s more demanding because I of the amount of factual research I’ve already done, and the hundreds of scrappy notes in the file. It would probably take me a month to get them sorted into usable sequence.)

So I’ve decided to stay on familiar territory with this one, writing the third part of my trilogy, characters I’m already comfortable with.

I normally write in bursts, once peaking at 12,000 words in a day, more normally 7,000 words, and usually for no more than a fortnight. So who knows, I might have two NANO’s done by 15th and decide to tackle another one. Doubt it very much though – I’m not that much of a masochist, and I’m sure the publishing business will decide it’s not prepared to take that much of a back seat.

SO are you doing NANO?

Come on, connect and buddy up, I’ll support any who are, with my own unique brand of encouragement – well maybe not, if you read the relevant post earlier this month – my hand would be too sore.

A friend of mine says she’s going to NANO her PHD thesis this year – don’t honestly think she means it – but good luck on both, Annette.

Happy NANOing.

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